Round Table Farm

Donkeys, Goats, Books and Chickens

What We’re About

Farming makes us whole. It gives us exercise and good, simple food. It brings us companionship in goats and donkeys. The chickens provide the entertainment. All together, we derive great peace of mind from being part-time farmers. One day, perhaps, we will do it full time.

We moved in January 2002 in the middle of the thickest snow storm the area had seen in years. In fact, signing day we managed to get our vehicle stuck, the realtor’s vehicle stuck, and the neighbor’s vehicle stuck. I guess we were meant to stay.

Sometime in 2008, a neighbor introduced us to goats and we fell in love. We bought our first milk goat in 2010, Velvet. At the same time, a neighbor gave us a rather aggressive rooster, Lord Kluck Kluck. He was a very handsome silver-laced Wyandotte and he became very well acquainted with our leaf rake. Our other neighbor gave us six elderly hens, who seemed quite taken with the idea of having a young rooster all to themselves. From there, it went to donkeys as some friends moved back to family and home and left Jake, a mammoth donkey trained to plow, with us. Of course, he needed friends. So we got him 3 youngins that needed a home.

In 2010 we started actively gardening. We had all this manure and needed to do something with it. We use no pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Muscle power and persistence is what brings in the goods. In 2011, we started our berry patch with some over-flow strawberries and raspberries. In 2012 we started the gourmet mushroom patch and are looking forward to the day we have some mushrooms to harvest.



  1. You’re living the dream! – Thank’s for sharing.

    • Thanks for stopping by. The farming community is so very friendly and supportive.

  2. Ryan Crocker

    Hey Bill and Susan! this is awesome, i never knew you had this blog, now I can keep up with what’s happening! sounds like you are still plowing with Jake, keep up the good work!

    • It’s great that you found us! I started this blog for the city relatives, but we’re both having a lot of fun with it.

  3. Hi.I live in Medanales,near Abiquiu.I just read your blog about the weather on garden got badly hit by the question is,do you sell your berries ??
    I would be so interested in getting some.
    I hope the damage to your property is not too bad..

    • Hi Renata – our berry patch is still very young. We just started it last year. So far this year we have gotten 1 raspberry and only a handful of strawberries. Hopefully in 2-3 years, we will have enough berries to put a few away in the freezer or turn into jam.

      I hope your garden recovers from the hail.

  4. Pat McDowell

    I can’t find any indication on your website of where on the earth you are. Care to enlighten me?

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